Friday 18 February 2011

When to Know a Friend Needs Your Support

If you have a good friend going through a tough time, you may want to give a little extra time to them. Even, if you are unable to take of their problem, talking to someone can make a big difference. This is especially true if you are not directly involved. Sometimes having a fresh perspective who you feel comfortable letting down your guard with is a big help. They can speak openly and honestly about their thoughts and feeling and since you are not directly involved, they do not need to worry about hurting you or saying something you may react poorly to. One of the most important times a friend will need support and friendship is during a serious illness. If they are suffering or they are caring for a family member who has developed a disease, there will be times they just want to vent about their feelings. They may be frustrated, scared or just feeling blue. When someone is undergoing prostate cancer treatment or dealing with acoustic neuroma, they can have a variety of emotions. You can be a good friend by just sitting with them and talking.
Another example of a when a friend will need support is during a divorce. Their divorce means they are losing their life partner and while they may be happy to see them go, it can also be a tough transition. They may have feelings of betrayal, regret or anger. You can help them deal with these feelings in a healthy way. They may also need to just talk about the direction their life is now going and if you can be there and lend a hand, it will make a big difference.
If you know people who have children, it is probably just a matter of time before they deal with some struggles. Even the best kids stress their parents out occasionally and if you can share stories about your own child-rearing experiences, it can help your friend to feel like what they are going through is normal.
Everyone has work stress and being able to go out after a long day, enjoy a cocktail and vent about your work problems helps a great deal. Some workplace stress is a daily occurrence and while they may be annoying, everyone has to face them. There are also times when things get really bad in the workplace and an employee faces challenges and issues the average worker is not dealing with. If your friend is in a position like this, it can help to talk it out with someone and get an outsiders perspective on things.
Lastly, you will know if a friend needs your help if they ask you. You may get an unexpected call from a friend who lets you know they need to talk things out and want some company. Do your best to be there for them and lend them your support. You will help them feel better and you will feel great for being a supportive friend.

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